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Love triangle involving a tandem in the PG's advice column

Thought this was pretty funny:

DEAR CAT: My wife and I are avid bicyclists and we love riding together, but she can't keep up with me even when I slow down for her. I gave her an expensive bicycle built for two and she appreciated it but thought we'd look silly riding it. So I got her an alternate gift, but unbeknownst to her, I kept the tandem. A few weeks later a single neighbor friend asked me about the bike (she saw me unloading it from my truck the day I bought it), I told her the story and she asked to ride the bike with me. So we've been riding around the neighborhood. Unfortunately a nosy neighbor saw us and told my wife. My wife confronted me and, after I explained it all, she said it would be OK. I bought a new seat and handlebars for my neighbor friend (the ones that came with the bike were uncomfortable) and when my wife saw them on our credit card bill she demanded I sell the bike. I got our friend to reimburse me, but my wife still insists that I sell the bike. The trouble is I very much enjoy riding the bike with our neighbor friend. I think my wife is being unreasonable. What should I do? -- SECRET RIDER

DEAR SECRET: Did you buy the seat and handlebars at the idiot store? For your sake I hope they have a good return policy. A few things to consider ... 1.) Hiding your burgeoning friendship is just plain wrong -- and sketchy. 2.) Why did you secretly keep the bike (and start riding it with another woman) without telling your wife? 3. ) The "nosy" neighbor who ratted on you is no nosier than a single female neighbor who asks to ride a tandem bike with another woman's husband. You know full well your wife isn't unreasonable. What should you do?

Cat's Call: Sell the bike, end the friendship and hope your wife forgives you.

2009-12-08 20:51:43

Hee hee. just realized that this could be someone on the board.

I should quit the internet for good.

dude shoulda said something to his wife.

2009-12-08 20:53:44


2009-12-08 21:30:54

it seems so innocent. i bet his wife would be cool with it if he was straight up

2009-12-08 22:20:18

Jeez....its not like they where riding to a hotel with hourly rates. That CAT was so polite and helpful too.

2009-12-08 22:30:52

Dude should have said something.

This is really, really cute and funny though.

I also think the wife should have just given the tandem a try.

I want an expensive tandem.

2009-12-08 22:31:24

Maybe you can buy his

2009-12-08 22:36:14

I could probably only afford the front wheel.

2009-12-08 22:40:36

Note: Never ride a rented tandem bike with regular bike brakes down sycamore street on a first date.

'salls I'm saying.


2009-12-09 01:11:14

I find the whole thing sketchy.

Like there was maybe some reason he couldn't take it easy when he was riding with his wife? "I'm on a BIKE. My balls are so big I have to ride fast."


"Look silly?" Riding a tandem? Yo! Lady, if you want to look silly, buy an SUV. Although I'm guessing that if he can't get on a bike and ride easy, then he can't get on a bike and go less than 40 miles.

Hey, Dude! While yer out there doing a brevet with yer neighbor, I'm practicing tango dance moves with yer wife.

Don't worry. It's just dance.

2009-12-09 01:29:07

come on, this is a bike board, right??? ditch the wife, keep the bike!

2009-12-09 02:14:18

We were laughing about this at work yesterday! The whole thing sounds like a big ball of dumb. The "dude" sound like a tool (at the risk of it being someone on this board), the wife sounds like a possible beeatch. The only potential non-dumb-ass is this "single neighbor" who was motivated enough to bum rides on a nice tandem. I want to find out where this guys neighborhood is and ride through, despondent, single, on a tandem.

2009-12-09 13:36:17

my roommate messed up her bike several months ago, and the only bike available for her was the house tandem. so she was riding that around town, solo. there's nothing sadder and more pathetic than a solo tandem ride. it's like watching a clown cry

2009-12-09 14:36:40

there's nothing sadder and more pathetic than a solo tandem ride. it's like watching a clown cry

There is a solution to that problem.

2009-12-09 15:23:07

I always see parents commuting to work with one of those little trail-a-bike things still hooked up to their ride, of course with no kid on it. I always feel like exclaiming: "Oh no, you've lost your kid!"

2009-12-09 16:21:40

that robot might be kinda sadder. you can't even pick up other wayward souls to give them a ride. it's like you're content being alone on the tandem.

2009-12-09 17:13:30

You could dress the robot up...would that help?

2009-12-09 17:58:18

I can dress up as a robot...would that help?

2009-12-09 18:05:57

i dunno, spandex on a robot would look strange

2009-12-09 18:41:18

Just act normal.

2009-12-09 19:14:38

would you look at that...

2009-12-09 19:24:20

this is why we called the tandem the divorce bike

2009-12-09 20:19:03

the tandem enthusiasts have a saying, "wherever your relationship is going, a tandem will get you there faster"

2009-12-09 20:39:53

There is a solution to that problem.

One wonders whether he inflates his girlfriend.

2009-12-09 22:54:05

"my roommate messed up her bike several months ago, and the only bike available for her was the house tandem. so she was riding that around town, solo. there's nothing sadder and more pathetic than a solo tandem ride. it's like watching a clown cry"

- this is the best thing I have read on any message board ever

2009-12-10 19:29:21

here's her picture:

i was taking a photoshop class at the time

2009-12-10 19:47:46

quite breathtaking.


2009-12-10 19:54:06

she's gonna kill me. or clean the toilet with my toothbrush for that

2009-12-10 19:57:59

LOL... If I were that guy, I would be careful riding downhill with his new lady friend without testing the brakes first, and carefully inspect the cables or lines before each ride!

2009-12-11 00:32:53

Did you buy the seat and handlebars at the idiot store?

that zinger was so bad it was good

2009-12-11 17:44:07