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recommend a bicycle bell to me!

so, i need a bell, but i have no idea what to even look for. you! to the rescue! which bell do you prefer? why do you like it? have you tried others? does someone you know have the perfect bell? what makes the perfect bell? my aethetic tastes tend toward "classic" (ahem, retro-grouch?), but mostly i think i'd like a good loud but pleasant tone.
2013-06-29 23:28:05
I have an incredibell, which I like: It's small but makes a good loud noise, and you can move the lever around. I have another bell on a different bike where the striker is just mounted on a spring - I don't recommend that because the bell sounds when going over bumps.
2013-06-29 23:56:58
I have the cheap Bell bell which you can find in Target. Loud. Occasionally loosens and sounds going over bumps, which I mostly like, actually.
2013-06-30 08:40:51
Not sure about a bell, but I found this the other day and I'm seriously considering getting one when it comes out... How nice would it be to honk back at those cars that honk at us for no reason? I think it's illegal now in PA to honk at a cyclists unless it's to prevent a collision.
2013-06-30 09:17:39
We have over 20 types at bicycle heaven brass vintage style new styles,,,i am a bell collector,,i can show you many types
2013-06-30 10:52:58
Great discussion guys. This is Jonathan the guy behind LoudBicycle (the bike horn sounds like a car horn). Glad to help if you have questions, and always glad to hear more comments :)
2013-06-30 12:26:25
salty wrote:I have an incredibell
I have one of these as well. Great little bell. It has lasted over 6 years on a bike that I beat pretty hard.
2013-06-30 13:47:14
Just bought a Double Dinger, can't remember off hand who makes it, but it does the job..I forget to use it when i see fellow bikers haha and i always remember after the fact. But for crossing bridges,and getting people to move over it works nicely.
2013-06-30 17:05:44
I had one of those incredibells, but it broke after a few years, then went to one with too many moving plastic and metal parts that was only good for a few years- but bought one of the brass vintage style ones from Bicycle Heaven which I like a lot. It seems real sturdy so hopefully it will last quite a while. It always gets admiring looks from fellow riders also, if that matters to you.
2013-06-30 21:25:57
I've had a few - I always seem to break them, so now I just buy cheap ones. FWIW, I like the old school ring-a-ding ones best but I break them too. Sigh... this is why I can't have nice stuff.
2013-06-30 21:34:21
Yeah, I hear going OTB is rough on a bike bell... (sorry, couldn't resist.)
2013-06-30 21:36:12
@salty, funny! but the bell is the only thing I think I didnt break, or at least it felt that way for a while.
2013-07-01 09:15:19
My brass bell got all scratched up when I went OTB Probably similar to what BH is selling, but I got mine from Kraynick a few years ago
2013-07-01 15:56:57