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Rider Down @ Frick Park

rice rocket wrote:If anyone has more information (not sure of his name, he was an older gentleman with a Dirty Harry’s jersey, on a red full suspension XC Gary Fisher, 2007-vintage I’d say), please please let us know.
2013-04-26 20:54:08
Do we know, was the troubled fellow with the hatchet apprehended? Is the bicyclist a victim of a fall or violence? Just wondering.
2013-04-26 20:56:47
Hatchet guy didn't actually attack a cyclist. He freaked out on and threatened a homeowner working in their garden at the sommerset development and is believed to be camping somewhere off iron gate trail. It's also not yet known if its the same guy who has been sabotaging trails with sticks and logs at the bottom of steep downhills. All that said, I don't think this was related.
2013-04-26 21:03:27
Good, thanks for the word, I appreciate it. I've been staying out of there. V.
2013-04-26 21:47:21
Vannevar wrote:Good, thanks for the word, I appreciate it. I’ve been staying out of there. V.
Nasty world. Like to stay out of it. Lets not Frick Park change into a place one would not ride through at night, as I have. Get the police out there and a paid custodian: one more job for America, trickle up economics. Let's pay people good money to make Pittsburgh better for all!
2013-04-28 07:39:45
Man he was one amazing dude. I feel like a giant sack of nothing after reading that.
2013-05-02 22:16:55
this just sucks all around. i hope his friends and family can take solace in the knowledge that his last moments before he lost consciousness forever (as far as i can tell he never woke up in the hospital) were spent in the woods doing something he LOVED on a beautiful day. we should all be so lucky to go out that way, and to live a life half as meaningful as Chip's.
2013-05-02 23:39:33
That's sobering to say the least. He passed me at the entrance to Iron Grate while I was getting my gear ready. I was literally the last person he saw in this world. RIP.
2013-05-03 09:47:26
@rice rocket: that is heavy duty. I hope you are doing/feeling okay. You were very kind to stop and call for help.
2013-05-03 13:20:50