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The Zodicat: a fundraiser alleycat for Babes on Bikes!

The Zodicat

A fundraiser for Babes on Bikes. Details still being planned, watch this space!

June 13th, 2010

2010-05-28 22:07:46


2010-05-30 07:43:11

Zodicat flyer

When: June 13th, 2010; 2pm registration, 3p start

Where: The fountain at Frick Fine Arts, Oakland

How much: $10, first 40 entries get a t-shirt!

2010-06-04 21:19:15

Yeah, Sunday of the MS-150 unfortunately. It's when most of the Babes on Bikes checkpoint ladies were free. The plan is to run another alleycat during Bike Fest, so fear not.

2010-06-04 21:20:15

:( i will be on the GAP

2010-06-05 01:37:43

Horoscope for urban Pittsburgh cyclists seeking adventure on the day of Sunday June 13th:

Astrologically align yourself to our Zodicat timeline! Take flight to hitherto unseen corners of Pittsburgh to test your mettle and unravel your destiny! Clever creative cyclists, test your wits against our caravan of challenges! Orbit within our celestial circus to become more flexible, limber and acrobatic than usual - not just in your physical ability, but in your mental attitudes as well!

Each constellation provides the opportunity - via a unique challenge - for you to demonstrate your will to succeed. Accumulate points with cunning tactics and inventive strategies.

Kidnap unexpected souvenirs!

Compete head to head under bridges!

Riddle your way out of intoxicating puzzles!

Express your inner muse!

Juggle at teetering heights!

Unleash tumbling chaos on your own head!

Plot a sexy ambush!

Escort an invisible friend!

Steal from the fountain of death!

Gorge on starry sweetness!

Climb to the stars!

2010-06-05 13:56:21

This is on my BIRTHDAY!!!!

2010-06-05 14:23:30

End/Afterparty at 285 Main St. (Lawrenceville)

Sliding scale donation; free for racers

Come hang out!

2010-06-05 16:14:24

Anyone available to work checkpoints?

2010-06-08 15:45:12