Steps We Take

NINE-day city steps celebration in Pittsburgh this Fall

Bike Pittsburgh (BikePGH) and the Office of Public Art (OPA) are excited to announce the launch of a new event series to celebrate city steps and neighborhood connections titled Steps We Take. Learn more about the communities, artists, stairs, and events planned for October 4th – October 12th.

Event Schedule

Friday, October 4th: STEPS WE TAKE POLISH HILL

Featuring vertical parks & vertical parties. Creating a system of gathering spaces throughout the neighborhood with seating, gateways, and signage. Click here to learn more!

Saturday, October 5th: STEPS WE TAKE West End

Featuring six Pittsburgh area fashion designers will be creating pieces to be used in both the fashion scavenger hunt and in the fashion show. Click here to learn more!

Sunday, October 6th: STEPS WE TAKE POLISH HILL

Featuring vertical parks & vertical parties. Creating a system of gathering spaces throughout the neighborhood with seating, gateways, and signage. Click here to learn more!

Friday, October 11th: STEPS WE TAKE Fineview

Featuring interactive sculptures both on and around the two sets of city steps, celebrating our potential to connect to one another in unlikely spaces. Click here to learn more!

October 10th, 11th, & 12th: Steps We Take Troy Hill

During three evenings in October, visitors will encounter an installation of sound-activated light fixtures leading up the Rialto Street steps, immersing them in a musical composition and collage of residents’ voices. Click here to learn more!

Saturday, October 12th: STEPS WE TAKE Fineview

Featuring interactive sculptures both on and around the two sets of city steps, celebrating our potential to connect to one another in unlikely spaces. Click here to learn more!

Subscribe for updates on our Step Event Series

Sign up for Bike Pittsburgh’s newsletter, The Messenger. It goes out bi-monthly and it’s one of the key ways we communicate with people who bike and walk in the Pittsburgh region.

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