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and she can sing, too

Saw this in a Canadian cycling magazine which started following me on Twitter, an interview with an opera singer, Wallis Giunta, who bikes to her performances in a long gown and heels. And a helmet.

Informative and inspiring.

2011-11-03 10:53:07


I like Dandyhorse.

Stu, you're not subtly stumping for a ball gown ride now, are you?

2011-11-03 11:39:38

Well, I am, but that wasn't why I posted this. To me, she looks like a good role model for women who are trying to make cycling a central part of their lives. A 12-month rider in a snowy climate (Toronto). Primarily car-free. Bikes to heels and a ball gown. Comments on detachable racks, riding in the cold, bike lanes, riding in foreign countries, and the independence one gets from being on two wheels.

Just awesome IMHO.

2011-11-03 14:42:23

I think people with either version of the 23rd chromosome will find her a role model. In some cases, what to emulate, in other cases, what to lust and chase after.

Nice find Stu. I will have to check out dandyhorse more often.

2011-11-03 18:55:50

somehow I missed this first time around, that lady is all-around awesome. I think I even have a crush on her.

2012-07-09 13:37:58