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Freshly painted bike lane on Butler Street (?)

After a lot of negative news this week, I thought I would let folks know about something seemingly positive. Riding home a few minutes ago I noticed a freshly painted bike lane (or so it seems) from Plummer St near the main entrance to Allegheny Cemetery to Stanton Ave (heading north). No bicycle logo yet, but I can only assume this must be a bike lane because it is ~4 feet wide and it has the dotted lines when it ends near the right turn lane for Stanton. And it effectively ends the confusing "third lane" that seems to get created all the time here on Butler.

2012-08-03 01:43:50

Just checked it out - definitely looks to be a proto-bike lane. Got a couple of sewer grates smack dab in the middle of it that you'll need to dodge though.

2012-08-03 02:06:12

Yeah, it's a bike lane. Sharrows will be installed from the dough boy to 57th. The bike lane will be a part of that project.

2012-08-03 03:40:51

YAY! Butler street needs that!

2012-08-03 13:04:37

ok, I griped (last year? year before?) about the city getting all pat-self-on-back regarding some sad amount of lanes, like 10 miles or something... The 40 of this year is more respectable, and good to see them going in more difficult places like this, where they're desperately needed. Adding something like 30 miles of markings in a year is a much closer to what I'd expect of a city serious about complete streets. (Now they just need to do it again next year, and the year after...)

I hereby amend my perpetual snarly grumble to a semi-pleasant harumph ;)

2012-08-03 14:08:11

I wish there was a bike lane from the zoo area down past the 62nd Street Bridge to 55th Street! I hate when cars make that a 4 lane road which it ISN'T! They temporarily made it 4 lanes for a while when there was construction. Now it is a free for all road. No idea why they can't at least make the inbound a bike lane??? There is a ton of room and cars need direction or they will just drive all over that stretch. At least put a damn line on the side of that road showing cars not to hug the right and ride up my ass all the time going 55 or 60mph.

2012-08-03 14:43:45

Another road that needs some calming, and for the same reason. Width encourages speed, and multiple lanes encourages more speed. (ARB, anyone?)

2012-08-03 14:57:27

ARB, could have been a better cycle friendly road, but it would have had to shift the cars to the mountain side of the road and then use the remaining space on the riverside for a two way bike lane with a separation barrier of some sort. This of course will never happen but it is fun to dream up this wild crap. I wish I could get to Verona on my bike, but you better take Lincoln if you want to survive.

2012-08-03 15:08:30

Stu, ARB isn't that wide. People zoom on it because it's straight, flat, absolutely no cross traffic, and has very few stops for miles. Other than the fact that it's not, it meets the description of a highway.

They need to move those precious granite curbs out a foot, put in a buffered bike lane, and patrol it. Especially for motorcyclists - my husband just about had a heart attack when a motorcyclist once passed him (between oncoming traffic) and then buzzed a cyclist so hard it knocked him off his bicycle. Went to fast to get a plate.

Failing all that, speed humps alone would calm it down a really nice amount.

2012-08-03 15:09:36

Failing all that, speed humps alone would calm it down a really nice amount.

Sorry, but take a step out of bike utopia for a second.

Speed humps are never used on major arteries of road networks; they're use for residential neighborhoods and in shopping centers with lots of pedestrian traffic where speeds should be walking pace. Speed humps on ARB will never happen.

2012-08-03 15:51:11

I hate speed bumps on my bike and I drive a low sitting car not some huge honking SUV, so I hate speed bumps in my car because I have to use my brakes and go VERY slow over them, unlike the idiots the drive H2's thinking they are in some Baja race. Speed bumps are not the answer. Enforcing speed limits by the police IS the answer. Police can generate money from the idiot aggressive drivers.

2012-08-03 15:55:36

speed bumps != speed humps. Low cars can get over them if they go slow, and I think going over them on my bike is fun. I actually used to live near some, and would regularly go over them for giggles. Speed bumps are ass, even in parking lots (while I do like how they slow people down even more, they're not appropriate for roads).

And speed humps are used in every town on the Bamako-Segou highway, the busiest road in Mali (and yes, it is actually busy with traffic heavier than I've ever seen on ARB). They're just not used in this country that way. Just like speed cameras aren't installed, complete street designs aren't used, and mass transit isn't built. Just because we don't do it doesn't make it a crap idea.

If ARB is such a major artery, then it definitely needs something to keep it sane.

2012-08-03 16:03:18

So as a passenger last weekend in a car, I was looking at those railroad tracks that run parallel to ARB.. The RR trucks or some other forces seem to have created a smooth, rideable-by-bike path next to the tracks, at least in some areas. Does anyone know If that is an option?

2012-08-03 16:32:33

*insert standard disclaimer about getting a railroad to cooperate with a bike or community group here*

2012-08-03 16:49:39

Not asking if they're "cooperating".. Just wondering how safe it is/if anyone has tried it/if RR employees have yelled at anyone over it.

2012-08-03 17:01:11

Stefb said: "So as a passenger last weekend in a car, I was looking at those railroad tracks that run parallel to ARB.. The RR trucks or some other forces seem to have created a smooth, rideable-by-bike path next to the tracks, at least in some areas. Does anyone know If that is an option?"

It is an option in the early Spring or Winter on a mountain bike only. It is too overgrown at this time. I know someone that does it, but he said he can't get through due to how overgrown some places are. He now takes Verona Road to Lincoln.

2012-08-04 03:01:53