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Trek warehouse sale?

Does anybody have any information regarding this?


2010-01-02 16:39:10

The fourth annual Trek of Pittsburgh Warehouse Sale is on Sunday February 22nd starting at 8am and stretching into the early evening until everything is gone. For those within driving distance of the Pittsburgh area, there are savings to be had between a year’s worth of overstock and thousands of pieces of closeout clothing bought especially for the sale. Don’t miss the once a year savings at the warehouse location

got off my ass and googled, thanks Urban Velo.

2010-01-03 16:19:11

This seems to be the information for last year's sale.

Seems interesting. Anyone know about this year's event?

2010-01-03 16:41:18

I haven't heard anything about it yet, I would assume it would come up again in February.

For everyone's information, last year the most unbelievable deals seemed to be on frames. They had brand new, un-built carbon fiber frames for a couple hundred bills. Who knows if it will be the same again, but if anyone is looking, imagine the sick fixie you could build from something like that.

2010-01-03 17:34:46

Yeah, that was for last year's sale. There are certainly deals to be had there, especially in the clothing department.

2010-01-03 18:21:40

oh that's last years sale, oops. If anybody gets some updated info, please post.

2010-01-03 18:48:49

I just called the Shadyside store and they said it was the last Sunday of February (February 28, 2010) but the hours would be set in early to mid February. It will be at the Robinson Town Center store.

2010-01-05 21:58:04


2010-01-06 05:28:43

Talked to them today, +1 on ieverhart.

2010-01-07 18:59:17

I rode out there last year to check it out. I took the Steubenville Pike; is that a good choice or is something like Noblestown Rd. better?

2010-01-07 19:14:10

Lots o' options. Two simple ones are: Noblestown to Carnegie, then Cubbage-Collier/Ewing/Ridge to the Bayer campus, then across the highway to Campbell's Run to Robinson; and, Coraopolis-Montour Trail-up the hill to Robinson.

The trail may be laden with suck at the end of February, depending on weather for the prior couple of weeks.

2010-01-07 19:29:22

If you're going out Steubenville, look for the big church on the hill. The street before it (Church Hill Road, um, guess how it got its name?) and the street after it (McMichael) take you down to Campbell's Run either side of Settler's Ridge. I'd choose McMichael because of the back entrance.

The roads out that way are suckful on a dry day in July, so be careful.

2010-01-09 14:39:34

I rode out Noblestown through Settlers Cabin Park last year.

Also last year, Pro Bikes had a sale the day before, I would almost expect the same thing again this year.

2010-01-09 20:10:29

+1 on the Noblestown option, though I might take it all the way out to McMichael (just past Walker's Mill) and then up to Ridge, and across the new Bayer road bridge over 376. Not sure I'd do it in February but that's just me.

From Oakland/downtown The 28X bus will drop you pretty near the Trek store out there, get off at the last stop in Robinson Town Center...Park Manor Drive and the bank.

2010-01-11 16:15:02


2010-02-21 23:14:32

I called and they said it would be from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., but the best pickins would probably be earlier rather than later. The guy I spoke to said it might be a good idea to get there a little early--they had 180 people entering in the first minute or so.

2010-02-21 23:21:02

Ignore my earlier comment about turning off Steubenville. That's more for how to get to REI. Trek's Robinson location, if you're headed there, is in the same plaza as Petco and Niko's Coffee House, right by Eat & Park and Applebees.

2010-02-22 10:40:16

To anyone who went to last years sale... Did they have much in the way of accessories? I am looking to bike commute soon and need fenders, rack, locks, panniers, lights, etc? Also in the market for a kids bike for my 4 year old. I don't want to make the drive unless I know they will have some good deals on that type of stuff.

2010-02-24 13:39:33

Crap. I won't get my tax refund until March 5th. I guess I could wait a week later to pay my utility bills! Or I could dig out the credit card that's been collecting dust for years.

2010-02-24 15:52:29

abutler: if you're in town Free Ride has good deals on lights & locks, but not fenders or panniers. They also usually have a lot of kid's bikes for, often, around $10, especially if you're willing to do a bit of wrenching.

2010-02-24 16:06:51

Bump. This is tomorrow!

2010-02-27 23:20:06

See everyone there!

2010-02-28 12:22:25

It's always struck me as a bit odd that Trek Robinson has no bike rack out front. When I go to that store, I wheel my bike right inside. But still, a bike shop with no rack?

2010-02-28 13:15:48

Didn't really see any mind-blowing deals, still worth the trip though. Picked up a hybrid for my GF, got some gloves, a pocket pump and a spare co2 canister for me and a pump/lever/patch/bag kit for my gf, all told about $450. Showed up at 8am on the dot just when they opened the doors and walked right in with the rest of the line.

Anybody else get anything good?

Was it just me or did they only have one road tire on sale?

2010-02-28 15:53:47

Yup, only one road tire on sale. I didn't pick it up, though. I picked up the Interchange 2520 cu. in. panniers for $60! That was a good find.

2010-02-28 19:17:16

I got a 7.3 FX for $549 plus tax, which I hope was a good deal. I'll probably keep riding my mountain-ish bike around town through the end of pothole season, but there was no point in spending $50 every other month on a bike that only cost $350 to begin with, back in 2001.

It looked like you could get a variety of Nike bike shoes for $20 a pair if you had extra big or extra small feet. By the time I was browsing at like 8:25, it was pretty well picked over in the middle range. I thought about getting a pair that was a little on the big side, but the salesman talked me out of it... and I could have been easily talked into buying a too-big pair. I also grabbed a jersey for $20, which I hope was a good buy.

2010-02-28 21:33:15

I arrived in the late morning, and picked up a few things.....extra bike shorts for $5; a wind vest for $5 and a couple other things. The close out specials above notwithstanding, I didn't think the bargains were all that good this year, as compared to last year.

2010-03-01 01:11:49

I forgot to mention, it was pretty awesome to see so many people who were buying a bike for the first time. Lots of folks walking up to associates and asking all the typical first timer questions, its pretty exciting so see so many people getting into cycling. I just hope that $1,100 Kona doesn't sit in your basement all summer.

2010-03-05 15:22:18

Aagh! This just occurred to me. The store might have let someone from Bikepgh hang out and pass out fliers and chat people up. I think they have something sitting out on the counter about Bikepgh, but that doesn't equal a real live person. I don't know if anyone would have been able or willing to do that, but seems like a missed opportunity..

2010-03-05 15:31:20