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Western 'burbs - Police sitting on dozens of "found" bikes

This was in the P-G about 10 days ago.

Veritable bumper crops of bicycles are languishing at police stations in McKees Rocks and Crafton, and officers are trying to reunite them with their owners.

There are about 35 bikes at the McKees Rocks police station. They come in all sizes, from children's to adults, and many styles, makes and colors. Police aren't sure whether they were abandoned, lost or stolen because none have been reported as stolen or missing.

Crafton police are holding another 35 bicycles, accumulated in the past 12 to 18 months. In the next week or so, the bikes will be donated to Chartiers Boys & Girls Club in Carnegie.

The owners of missing bicycles will have to provide a description. A photograph or a serial number would be even better.

If the 35 bikes in McKees Rocks aren't claimed by their rightful owners, they'll probably be donated.

Looking for a lost or stolen bike? The number to call in McKees Rocks is 412-331-6107. The number to call in Crafton is 412-921-2016.

Read more:

2009-08-10 15:35:32

Lost? "Gosh, now where did I leave my bike?"

2009-08-10 16:52:22