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What is the record number of...

...cyclists/riders you've observed on your commute? I counted 7 today on the way in.
2014-04-03 13:27:53
Saw just one, some douche Trying to track-stand on a geared bike Later blows red light It's time to go home A big rain. I decide to take the bus Two cyclists pass by [haiku? you decide]
2014-04-03 18:27:59
A few years ago on my way home from work via the jail trail on a nice spring Sunday, I saw at least 61 other people on bikes- commuters, people exercising, families with kids, etc.
2014-04-04 14:02:36
I used to keep count. Coming in from Bellevue, 3-4 used to be notable. Now I often see that number before I hit the North Side. That's a good thing! Seeing 7 in early April is pretty notable, however!
2014-04-04 15:35:57
Some people who commutes on Tuesday's around 6:15-6:30pm could encountered up to 70 people exercising. :)
2014-04-04 15:39:25
I usually see 10-20 on my commute home. Sometimes I will see up to 10 people I know. It's really nice.
2014-04-05 21:26:59
Even in the dead of winter (and this winter was exceptionally "dead"), there would be one or two that I would see.
2014-04-07 10:49:14
helen s wrote:A few years ago on my way home from work via the jail trail on a nice spring Sunday, I saw at least 61 other people on bikes- commuters, people exercising, families with kids, etc.
My jaw dropped, until I got to "Sunday".
2014-04-07 11:19:59
Mick wrote:Even in the dead of winter (and this winter was exceptionally “dead”), there would be one or two that I would see.
Seemed like there were relatively a "lot" of tracks this winter, though last year was my first as a "four seasons" commuter, so I don't have anything to compare it to.
2014-04-07 11:22:14
I've been counting them on my commute home, east of Turtle Creek. So far, for this year, I'm up to two, not counting kids.
2014-04-07 11:29:13
J Z wrote:
helen s wrote:A few years ago on my way home from work via the jail trail on a nice spring Sunday, I saw at least 61 other people on bikes- commuters, people exercising, families with kids, etc.
My jaw dropped, until I got to “Sunday”.
I frequently work on Sundays, hence the commute that day.
2014-04-07 16:06:45
I ride the jail trail from Downtown to the trailhead (that's where I park - White Mountaineer). I always see the same couple vehicles in the lot and the same girl cyclist with a purple jacket on in the morning (and also the same girl jogger in the morning ) , and I also recognize two guys riding toward downtown after work that I see frequently. I've only been cycle commuting for about a year now, so I am just starting to recognize fellow regulars. Oh yeah and the guy who rides with his hands in his hoodie pockets. I'm the girl in the obnoxious yellow jacket :)
2014-04-09 14:23:37
One of my more surprising rides in terms of the number of people seen on bike (probably 25 riders or so total) was actually lateish mid November. It was a beautiful day but windy and I was lugging the menorah trailer around which caught the wind very well and made me feel like I was pulling a boat anchor. Also took a longer route (up boundary/neville) because I wasn't sure sidewalk would work pulling that monstrosity, and I didn't want to associate the menorah with road rage, and then once I reached Squirrel Hill, what the heck, went out to Murray before doubling back (my home is west of Wightman). Was worth it, saw 5 cyclists just on that final tiny detour. It was a blast. Moral of the story, if you want to get a little better sampling of what's out there, take the long way home and go very slowly.
2014-04-09 15:22:22