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WPW Time Trial Experience - A time trial for all on Saturday morning!

WPW Time Trial Experience [Spring Edition]

Washington Boulevard Oval

Saturday, May 23, 2009 [10:00 am to 2:00 pm]


Join us for the first of two timed events at the Washington Boulevard Half Mile Cycling Oval. This will be a great opportunity to test your fitness, ride on the track if you never have and learn a little about the culture of time trialing. This event will be individually timed. You don’t need a time trial specific bike, clothing or helmet to participate and enjoy the experience. Make sure you do have your helmet though as you will need one to participate. There will be instruction on the protocols of how to start and participate in a time trial prior to the start of the event, by experienced time trial racers Stephanie Swan and Mark Bedel. You are encouraged to show up about an hour before the start time to sign in, ride the track and warm up. Each cyclist will be released at 30 second intervals promptly at 10:00 am with start positions based upon the order of sign in.

2009-05-21 02:02:01


2009-05-21 11:09:53

10 miles, I believe.

2009-05-21 11:47:44